
The new Mechatronika 2016 conference website has been launched.

You can visit it at mechatronika2016.cedupoint.cz.


The 16th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika 2014 will be held during December 3 – 5, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic. The program will consist of contributed papers, there will be no more than two parallel sessions, depending upon topic grouping. Themes will be drawn from, but not limited to the following: ICT, Power electronics, Sensors, EMC, Actuators, Modeling and Simulation, Robots, Industrial Applications, Military Technologies, Education, Measurement and Diagnostics, Biomechatronics.

All papers presented at the conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and Web of Science to include in their databases. Conference proceedings published in years 2010, 2012 are indexed by Thomson Reuters in Web of Science database. We will do our best to keep the indexing in 2014 as well.