09. 12. 2014 - We would like to thank all the participants for their contributions and we hope that you spent a pleasant time in Brno! Conference photos now avaliable online. We hope to see you at the 17th Conference Mechatronika 2016.
26. 11. 2014 - Final program in details.
12. 11. 2014 - Preliminary programme in details.
10. 11. 2014 - The list of finally accepted papers for conference presentation is published. The detail program of the conference is coming as soon as possible.
20. 10. 2014 - 141 papers were accepted for conference presentation. Please, upload your corrected papers for print of the conference proceedings as soon as possible.
26. 09. 2014 - We would like to remind you that there are still several registred abstracts, but the paper is not yet uploaded. While the deadline is already over, and the time for the paper reivews is limited, please upload your paper as soon as possible, otherwise it will have to be rejected.
10. 09. 2014 - We inform you that the deadline for the submission of the full paper has been postponed to the 25th September, 2014. Due to limited time for paper reviews please keep this final deadline.
11. 08. 2014 - The upload of fullpapers is avaible on conference registration system
30. 06. 2014 - The upload of abstracts is open, the upload of your fullpaper will be enabled on August 11th
07. 04. 2014 - Registration started
06. 04. 2014 - Full paper templates available from section For authors
16. 10. 2013 - New version of Call for Papers was published in section For authors